Artist's Soul

To be an artist, one must feel, to the point you feel to much.

Saturday, May 23, 2015


The lights from her electronic clock are blinking up at her while she blinks back at them. Her head is spinning and throbbing and aching from having been forcefully dragged out of sleep like that, but she still shakes it anyways, and slowly slides out of bed.

She stumbles a bit, but she’s come to expect that, so she defeats gravity and paralyzed legs, and gently treads to the bathroom.

She takes another long hot shower, ignoring the way her skin is turning red from the heat and how much her water bill is sure to go up again from yet another one of these nightly escapades, but she doesn’t care because all she wants to do is wash it all off, the blood and grit and screams and crushed bones and!

She bends over, gasping for air.

It’s time to stop with the shower now.

She walks back down the dark, silent hallway, too lonely to be walked through alone, and slides back into her room, soundlessly closing the door behind her. The faint light coming from the lamp is her comfort, because the darkness closes in on her and envelopes her body to the point she can’t move or speak or breath.

She sits in front of her open, blaring laptop, bathed in the digitally blue light, and starts to remember, remember again the crushed bones and the way he screamed and screamed and howled in pain and she doesn’t even know who this person is and!

She picks up her phone using only her index finger and her thumb, and slowly speed dials one.
There’s a sudden harsh ringing from the inside of the phone, and it rings once, twice, about five, six or seven times before she loses track and the ringing is coldly cut off and an even colder, groggy voice replaces it.


She does nothing but sit there. The lights are starting to hurt her eyes and her eyelids are drooping from the heaviness but she just can’t sleep or she’ll start to think and see and smell and hear the screams, oh the screams, and the sounds of the!

She can’t breathe again.

You know I can’t do this every night. I need to sleep.

She dry swallows a large pill of guilt.

Either go to a therapist or something, or figure it out yourself. I’m tired.

Now she’s swallowing an overdose, but she knows even that won’t help her forget, and in fact she thinks it’s worse now, and she needs to stop, just stop and, and!

Go to sleep. Night.

The phone gets cut off by a new type of blaring as she meekly mumbles a “Sorry” that's muted and never makes it into the world of the loud.

The clock keeps blinking up at her.

Her body is already asleep now, but her mind isn’t, because her mind never shuts up, and she just wants to go to sleep without having that stupid nightmare and remembering an incident that doesn’t even affect her since it’s not real, it’s not real in her life or anytime soon or whatever and why can’t she forget that scene!

She chuckles to herself in her mind, because she always knew she was spoiled and selfish. She just got the most vivid scene she could ever write into a story handed to her on a silver platter, and she’s trying to kick it off of her instead of taking it like it should be.

She yawns, and asks the world to please just give her a break tonight.

She wakes up again two hours later, and everything’s repeating itself, and she supposes that in itself is a real live nightmare of its own too.