Artist's Soul

To be an artist, one must feel, to the point you feel to much.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

5 Things that Makes Me PO'd

Hey people. It's me. You know who I am. (That was a Stark reference, for those who didn't recognize it. Yeah, I'm an Iron Man fan.)
So yeah, I normally don't do this kind of blog posts, but I was tagged by my friend Clare
 ( so yeeeeeeeeah...... 

Anyways, these are the five things that makes me upset, mad, angry, boiling, etc.

So, without further adieu, here it is!

1) Nosy People: I'm not someone who is very private, per say, but for those who know me personally, don't keep questioning me on my private life if I already denied access. I keep things to myself for a reason, and whether or not that reason matters to you really depends on how considerate you are to how I handle situations, I guess.

2) Fakes: You can have a hidden side to you, or you can act like differently for different people, but please, don't be someone your not at all. If it's still relatively a part of your true personality, even if it is indirectly, at least make sure it is a part of you. For instance, if you are a total tomboy, and you don't have a single drop of girly-ness in you, then don't act like one. Whether they do it for themselves, parental influence, or societal influence, it just bothers me. 

3) Backstabbers: I honestly can't stand backstabbers. If I consider you a friend, don't mess it all up for some stupid rumor or something. Backstabbing is a past time that is both pointless and very hurtful. Don't spread rumors, or purposely try to secretly ruin your "friend" 's life, just because you are mad, or they annoyed you, or for whatever strange reason humanity can come up with. Just don't do it. (Maybe this one should have been first on the list....)

4) People who stereotype me: This one is kind of personal. I'm a really strange person. As one of my good friends once said, she can't imagine me in any of the usual stereotypical groups in society. I'm weird, but I'm totally fine with it. But when people automatically label me as part of one group, it bothers me inside. Being labeled as part of a huge universal group type makes me feel like I'm being overlooked as an unique individual. 

5) People who act like they know me better than I do: Another personal one. I've met people who, after a few meetings, they believe they know me like the back of their hand. Which, really, isn't the case 99.99% of the time. I'm a complex person, so don't think you've uncovered all my mysteries just yet.

Well, that's all! For this, I tag my friend Erin on!
 Till next time, this was LaMusicFreak. 


  1. I totally agree with #4. I feel like people stereotype the people who don't belong in the traditional stereotypes into one group- weird. But the fact is, that if you, like me, are a weird person, u don't belong in a group. it feels like being caged when people stereotype you. And then you feel like you have to follow that stereotype, and it changes who you are.

    1. I know right! I don't like people saying I'm one type of person, when really, I'm closer to a mix of different groups. It feels like they're trying to force me into this mold society created.
