Artist's Soul

To be an artist, one must feel, to the point you feel to much.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Why Write?

Lately I've been getting some negative feedback about spending so much time writing (for example, parents). And yeah, maybe I do get a little too into it, but hey, it's what I like to do. But, it got me thinking, why do I like to write fictional stories so much? Every time, I really get extremely submerged into whatever world I just created. But why do that? Why do I go into a haze every time I decide to start a new story?

There are many answers, but I would have to say, the main reason for me is, I like to escape reality. To me, creating another world for a story is like dreaming. I can create another realm in my head, where I can be someone else, just for a few moments.

Every time I start a new story, I spend a few days, up to weeks just thinking of what it would be like in that other universe, the story-verse. In some ways, it helps me write. I get to really see in that character's perspective, and describe the world even better. But it also has some drawbacks. For instance, being half in, half out of reality during work, or, in other words, being majorly distracted. Yet, I still go back. Why? Because it's so tempting. Because when I'm in that story-verse, all the problems and worries I have in the real world can just fade away to the background, and I can live, just for those precious moments, as someone who I really want to be, or live in a world I would want to live in, and just escape. So, in a way, writing is similar to a stress-relief for me. It may not work so well when I have to focus, but you can't satisfy everyone.

My question is, why do you do the things you do? Is it for a life goal, or stress relief, like me, or just for fun? Or is it for reasons like peer pressure? Is it for a positive reason or a negative reason?

Side note, if it's for a negative reason, please try to stop, for your own good.

Anyways, that's all for now. Just a quick ramble of sorts. LaMusicFreak out!


  1. I totally agree. I don't write, and I can't really write, because ya know? the thoughts just can't come on paper. But I know the feeling, when you get caught up in something, and then everyone else is just like "why?' I think that you shouldn't let others questioning you cause you to doubt what you want to do. Just keep doing it because you enjoy it. :)

  2. Yeah, I definitely will continue writing. I love doing it, and it relaxes me. And thanks =).
    And yeah, I like the feeling of just escaping reality and stuff, because, sometimes, life can really suck, you know.
