Artist's Soul

To be an artist, one must feel, to the point you feel to much.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

World as We Know it

Oh how this world can be so contradictory. One moment happy, then next, sad. A moment of anger, then, suddenly, silence, tears, and laughter. It is as if the world is a lost child, unable to find itself within this vast realm of reality and dreams.

I am one who suffers these violent mood swings of the world. Each time it swings in the opposite direction, it is like I get a sharp right hook to the face. But then, sometimes it can be so sweet. So tantalizing. So full of, well, life.

What is life, anyways? A dream, or simply a time period where we wander this planet, trying to accomplish things that will immediately become pointless once we exit this place, and enter whatever and wherever is the next? Or is it a lesson, sent to us by nameless, faceless deities above? What is life, and the point of it? Humanity shall never know. But nonetheless, we must do this thing we have called "living", and as the "living", we must feel something called "pain" and "happiness".

Two totally contrasting words, yet, together all the same. Like yin and yang. Happiness makes the pain come all the harsher, and pain makes happiness so much more inviting. Yet, both are out of our control. So we simply must take what we get, and deal with it.

Oh how life can be so contradictory.

Oh how we wish we could change it.

Oh how impossible it truly is.

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