Artist's Soul

To be an artist, one must feel, to the point you feel to much.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Path Made New Each Day

Just a quick side note: Sol in here is the Latin word for sunlight. Also, I chose the name Eve, to represent the evening. 

At the edge of the horizon, where the sun gets eaten up by darkness, and shadows lurk during the day, is a peculiar town that goes by the name of Eves. It's isolated, and hidden from society as a whole, and a strange place the lost and the stragglers who came down the dusty grey path of twisted dead trees called home. 

It was this path that Eve's dark olive eyes skimmed down, tree by tree, as the van thumped and bumped towards the town. She gave a heavy sigh, watching as her reflection was temporarily fogged up. 

Such a dreary place.

An unwilling move to a terrible looking town. Such was her fate, it seemed.

The town floated into view, grey wooden two story house by grey wooden two story house. A sharp, pointed clock tower stabbed into the fog ahead. 

One by one, the dull houses passed by, until they reached the one she would call home. 

Hopping off the van, she vaguely called back, "Going to go venture around. Be back later."

And thus, began Eve's journey.


Fog was everywhere, and all one could see, from the nonexistent sky above her head to the muddy ground she was squelching on. It seeped into her socks, and under her torn sleeves, tickling her with cool tendrils. 

It spiraled up and it danced down, twisting and turning into a ribbon, swaying in the air, as though to tell her, "Follow me". Curious, Eve followed the lively mist, eventually stumbling into a stone fountain that she could have sworn had not been in front of her before. 

Looking up at the crumbling stone fountain, void of water, she mumbled to herself incoherent words of confusion. 


Suddenly, with a snap of someone's fingers, the fog vanished. Blinking rapidly to herself, Eve looked around at the change of sight. Now, she could see in front of her, as clear as could be, all the broken glass windows of the circle of seemingly abandoned shops circling the dry fountain. Shivering a bit, Eve gulped in a breath for courage, and brought her foot forward.

One. Step. Forward.


In the blink of an eye, she collided with a warm body, and tumbled back against the fountain, only to be splashed with icy water. Shaking her head, she brought her now wet hand up in front of her face, and swung around to see the fountain gleaming with vigor, the crumbling grey stone now shimmering marble, and crystalline water pouring into the bowl below. 

"Are you alright," a whisper sounded behind her. Flinging back around, she found her face to face with a slim figure exactly her height, that was wrapped in a deep burgundy cloak. The hood was flipped, shadowing the person's face so only soft strands of hair and a sleek black ribbon could be seen peeking out from under the cloth.

Choking on stale air, she strangled her shock before it could surface, and managed a jerky nod.

"Good," the voice continued, reached a slender, pale grey hand out from under the red cloak to tug the hood down, "because we wouldn't want our precious Eve to die just yet, now would we?"

She gave out a hoarse scream of horror at the sight, for the sight was not hideous, but rather, haunting.

Flawless skin and a beautiful face was accompanied with eyes that were all black, from what would be the white of the eyes to the iris, save for the blood red pupils that began to glow brighter and brighter.

The creature, monster, thing, ignored her continuous screams as it reached a hand out to gently place on her head, and muttered, "Now now, our fallen angel. It's time to go back to sleep again."



Gasping, Eve jerked awake, giving a yelp of pain as her head hit the glass window of the moving van. Clutching her chest, she felt her heart fluttering and her mouth sucking in breath after desperate breath. 

Black eyes. Red. Red. Water.

Slowly calming down, she turned her head to was tree after twisted tree fly by. 

Sighing, she thought, "Such a dreary place."

Black eyes. Red. Red. Water.

An unwilling move to a terrible looking town. Such was her fate, it seemed.

Closing her eyes heavily, she drifted off into a dreamless sleep, with a single haunting whisper echoing in her mind before unconsciousness. 

"It's time for another new day, Sol."


At the edge of the horizon, where the sun gets eaten up by darkness, and shadows lurk during the day, is a peculiar town that goes by the name of Eves. It's isolated, and avoided by society as a whole, and an eerie place the forgotten and the defeated who came down the dusty grey path of twisted dead trees called home. 

And it is here, where the sun get's swallowed up by another world, as the gears of time keep clicking forward, preparing for a new start, a new day, and a new story.


Once more, the path is forgotten, and walked down till tragedy at sunset.

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