Artist's Soul

To be an artist, one must feel, to the point you feel to much.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


         Have you ever craved social interaction to the point you feel hollow without it?

Have you ever gotten to the point in life where the only time you can truly live freely is when you’re off the high of laughing at jokes that you don’t even find funny and feeling emotions so strong and real, yet all the same emotions that aren't even yours?

It also becomes sad moments when you're the last person online, and suddenly you feel so, so, so alone, simply and utterly alone, that there’s no other word to describe just how lonely it feels. When you see your lone green dot next to your own name and you know, you think, “I’m the last one awake. I’m the last one up wasting my life away with nothing worthwhile.”

Yes, it is quite a lonesome feeling to feel.

Sometimes, you lie awake at ungodly hours contemplating theories about reality and the universe and humanity as you know it. Theories that are pure blasphemy and random words that spew from the depths of your useless brain, theories that you know aren't technically scientific enough, yet make so much sense that they make no sense at all.

Sometimes, you ponder about other people, and how much you matter to them. Whether or not their lives would be significantly changed if you were to just vanish someday. Or what if you simply weren't born at all? How would they live then? Would those who say they need you in their life be any different had your existence never been anything that existed at all? Would they feel an unreasonable emptiness at sporadic times or would you find that the universe could, had, and did replace you as an entity, and they became better off without your being existing as a whole?

 Sometimes, do you glance at the clock, read the ticking numbers, and think to yourself how much of an utter fool you are to still be up, awake, and spouting nonsense to people you can’t see, people who don’t even exist, and yet all the same imaginary creatures who you need in order to stay relatively sane enough to survive here. It raises the questions like, why do you still do this to yourself, to your body, when you know you’re sick and tired and craving rest, and why do you skip meals and eat trash. It raises the thought of do you really have the right to hate your body, to hate your stupidity, to hate your mistakes and regrets and all those times you acted unwisely, when it’s truly all your own fault and you have nothing and no one to blame but yourself. For in order to cultivate self-hate, one must continue doing the things you hate about yourself, despise about yourself.

Sometimes, you wonder about how your life might be different if this had happened instead of that, or whether or not you’re doing the right thing. Is it better to get hurt later and enjoy now, or stay a little hurt now and never get hurt in the future? Is it possible to truly be happy while you lie awake scared about tomorrow and the future every night? What is happiness anyways, besides a simple word? Are you truly capable of achieving so called happiness, you, a selfish, stupid, ugly, (no stop please), foolish, childish, immature, procrastinating disgusting vile creature who calls themselves human? Is it possible? Is all the “love” the other people give you really for you, or have they been blinded temporarily by some mistake in fate, blinded from your true lack of worth, and someday they’ll wake up to find they never “loved” you in the first place, not the true you? Is it worth it? Any of it at all?

Sometimes, you feel guilty. Guilty that you take but don’t give half as much. Guilty that you couldn't do more. Guilty that you chose not to do more. Guilty, guilty, so, so guilty over the littlest of things. Things that those you feel guilty for and to have already waved off as petty things, things that shouldn't even be bothered with, but nonetheless things that weigh your mind and soul every single day. It is a funny thing how much you feel forever indebted to some people. It is that guilt that eats you alive.

Sometimes, you get caught up in the never ending cycle of dislike for humanity, dislike for society, dislike for other people, dislike for rules, dislike for work, and, most of all, dislike for yourself. It’s easy to get re-dragged into that washing machine that pours out bubbles of disgraceful disgust and fountains of bitterness a thousand times more bitterly than the blackest coffee in the world. To hate things and to hate you becomes almost a way of mind and living, to the point it’s almost not a choice. For it can be so, so difficult and tiring to always look for the brighter side, and to stay calm and relaxed and not worry over pointless things, and to simply be optimistic.

Sometimes, sometimes, you just need to take a breather. Sometimes you just need to take a step backwards rather than forward, and to look at the whole picture rather than what little bits of darkness you see through your daily tunnel vision. Sometimes, spitting out that awkward truth of “I’m not okay”, or “I’m lying, please don’t leave me” becomes more worth the effort in the long run rather than sticking with the usual nonchalant shrug and pride in one’s ability to survive alone. But surviving and truly actually living are really two quite different things on the spectrum.

Sometimes, it’s just time to live.

Monday, April 6, 2015

And the Clock Keeps Spinning

DianezeGoddess: Soooooo, what’s up?

Me: I was just wondering about time. Wouldn't it be great if we could, oh I dunno, control and bend time to our will? Then maybe our lives wouldn't be so depressing and short.

                                                                                                Seen 1:33 AM

Me: I know you’re still online. And that you saw what I wrote.

                                                                                                Seen 1:36 AM

Me: It’s okay, I was just kidding. Lol. :D

                                                                                                Seen 1:37 AM

DianezeGoddess: Oh, hah hah! Lol you almost got me there for a second! Nice one!!!

The day is much too short in my opinion. Maybe that is what makes life so precious. It’s because everything has a limit. The day ends, the sun sets, your coupon expires, the food spoils, the rain ends, the night turns to sunny daylight, and of course, you die and your entire life ends.

I often wonder if one could control time. After all, isn't it merely a thing of human creation? We certainly can’t actually explain what time is. In fact, everything plainly laid before us could be a lie and we are lies and we don’t even exist, so in that case, why should anything matter.

Another four minutes has passed, and time is rushing me. Sometimes I really don’t like time.

It’s such an amusing concept though. Time, that is. Children watch the clock tick by second by second wishing time would hurry up so they could get out of class, while people like me wish time would slow down so I could have more time to just sit back and enjoy things instead of always stressing about what’s next to do and how long I have to complete it. (I’m terrible at scheduling anyways; I always delay everything, even when sometimes the delays aren't under my control.)

On the other hand, time seems to fly by with a loud whoosh when you are trying to do something you enjoy, such as spending time on a delicate craft project, or simply relaxing with someone you care about. In that case, is time controllable after all? If I think of it hard enough, would I be able to stop time?

Oh, wouldn't that be wonderful.

But, for now, time is out of my control. Pity, but nonetheless true.

For now.

(I just wasted another 6 minutes of my 1440 minute day. Oh well, I'll be wasting a lot more later on anyways.)

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Hello! So I have just added a new page that's on poetry, and you should be able to see the tab right up above, so please feel free to check that out! So far it will mostly be old poems I dug up from past notebooks from when I was a kid. It's a bit different from the usual short stories I write. Thanks for reading!

-Gemini Note

Writer's Conundrum

There never was anything to win in the first place.

It was an ungodly hour to be awake at, much less staring at a bright screen in a pitch black room. The time was somewhere in the muddled hours between morning and night, the objects in the room basked in a soft, yet harsh glare of pale blue, grey and ghostly to glance at. The cursor kept blinking, blinking, blinking.

Her head hurt.

The pattern repeated itself once more. Type, type, type a few words. Words dry like the desert, stale like old musty bread long forgotten in the back of the refrigerator. Emotionless, feeling less, and utterly revolting to read. Delete. Delete. Delete. No, this would do nothing for her.

Each thought and word was like a feather on a songbird's wing. You could see, and you could reach for it, but the moment you almost touch it, it takes flight, leaving you with nothing but empty air and a chilling breeze.

Outside, a nightingale croaked.

She looked up from the millions of pixels that made up her blank page, a glance that only took her a split second, but a second too much, for she lost her train of thought once more in the land of pounding heads and dry eyes.

She switched screens to her social media site. No living soul was online. But of course, who was she fooling, as if anyone would be online at this time in the day. Or was it the night? Was time even relevant to one who lived in a fictional world full of fictional lies to blind oneself to the cruel, bitter, biting cold of reality? Why did she still feel that pang, that tiny hit of a rusted bell echo in her chest, radiating loneliness throughout her body?

She turned back to her writing piece and gave a soft sigh. Months had already passed and still no progress on her project. Nothing had come out but disgusting pieces that were filled of false plastic emotions and a sticky layer of cliché plot-lines. And to think that this was the life she had chosen. Oh well, it’s not like happiness was achievable anyways.

The word want, in the phrase “I want happiness”, implies that one would never be satisfied with what you have, thus one would never achieve happiness.

A sudden growl of self-hatred tore up her heart, gripped her by the shoulders and ripped at her hair. 

Anger seared her from the inside out, but it wasn't frustration at her lack of process, no. Rather, it was anger over the fact that she knew she would never be the heroes in her stories, or the saved in the finales, nor would she be the loved one, or the successful one, or rich one, or the happy one, anyone in any of these millions upon millions of alternate universes and different realities that she ever made up since childhood because those weren't this reality, or this time, or this life, and everything, everything was fictional and impossible to achieve in the end. It was sad. Oh, it was very, very sad.

Sad is such a vague word. Sad. But what does one really mean when they use the word sad? Was it depressing or were you merely sympathetic? Were you struck by the cold metal bat that is the truth, or were you simply just, lightly tapped? Such a vague word indeed.

She shakily took in a breath (when did she stop?) and rubbed her must-be-red eyes. She had spent too long dawdling and pondering over useless philosophies again. It was time to get back to work. The pattern continued on, long past when the sun woke up to grace the world of its beauty, and long before the moon could say hello again.

Time is irrelevant to any situation where you do not need a number to measure how you feel. Thus, time is irrelevant to one’s life.