Artist's Soul

To be an artist, one must feel, to the point you feel to much.

Monday, April 6, 2015

And the Clock Keeps Spinning

DianezeGoddess: Soooooo, what’s up?

Me: I was just wondering about time. Wouldn't it be great if we could, oh I dunno, control and bend time to our will? Then maybe our lives wouldn't be so depressing and short.

                                                                                                Seen 1:33 AM

Me: I know you’re still online. And that you saw what I wrote.

                                                                                                Seen 1:36 AM

Me: It’s okay, I was just kidding. Lol. :D

                                                                                                Seen 1:37 AM

DianezeGoddess: Oh, hah hah! Lol you almost got me there for a second! Nice one!!!

The day is much too short in my opinion. Maybe that is what makes life so precious. It’s because everything has a limit. The day ends, the sun sets, your coupon expires, the food spoils, the rain ends, the night turns to sunny daylight, and of course, you die and your entire life ends.

I often wonder if one could control time. After all, isn't it merely a thing of human creation? We certainly can’t actually explain what time is. In fact, everything plainly laid before us could be a lie and we are lies and we don’t even exist, so in that case, why should anything matter.

Another four minutes has passed, and time is rushing me. Sometimes I really don’t like time.

It’s such an amusing concept though. Time, that is. Children watch the clock tick by second by second wishing time would hurry up so they could get out of class, while people like me wish time would slow down so I could have more time to just sit back and enjoy things instead of always stressing about what’s next to do and how long I have to complete it. (I’m terrible at scheduling anyways; I always delay everything, even when sometimes the delays aren't under my control.)

On the other hand, time seems to fly by with a loud whoosh when you are trying to do something you enjoy, such as spending time on a delicate craft project, or simply relaxing with someone you care about. In that case, is time controllable after all? If I think of it hard enough, would I be able to stop time?

Oh, wouldn't that be wonderful.

But, for now, time is out of my control. Pity, but nonetheless true.

For now.

(I just wasted another 6 minutes of my 1440 minute day. Oh well, I'll be wasting a lot more later on anyways.)

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