Artist's Soul

To be an artist, one must feel, to the point you feel to much.

Thursday, July 16, 2015







This was what I walked in on in the dead of the night after a long day of lectures, angry, ranting professors, and rushing across fluttering images of red brick roads in the torturous beating heat.
The dorm room had been dark from the entrance, but a faint blue-ish glow resonated and flickered from the furthest corner. A succession of clicking seemed to echo around the room, bouncing from corner to wall to corner, until it finally landed a strike onto a dark, hunching silhouette sitting all too still in front of the glow.

Sighing, I dropped my backpack with a soft thud next to my own desk, and walked over to hover behind that dark huddling figure.

Click. Click. Pause. Delete.

Click. Click. Pause. Delete.

The screen flew from page to page, document to document, almost like it was late for everything, like the White Rabbit. I barely had any time to capture and process the pictures shown to me before it was gone with a harsh click over the trash button, and the next image took its place.

“Why are you deleting your stories?!” I rushed out angrily. 

Click. Click. Pause.

The statue sighed a frustrated sigh, and bit back, “Because they’re all stupid.”

Click. Cli-

My hand struck on its own accord, sinking its fingers onto the flinching flesh and dragging it, tense, off the mouse. 

The shadow tugged, pulled, and spit against me, a barely concealed sort of rage about to explode from under the pale, thin layer of skin that just barely covered it. But I couldn’t see reason anymore, all I could think about was red, flaming passion, and all the work, all the soul, all the life that had been given to these poor electronic pieces of fragmented pain and love and happiness and humor, all wasted into some garbage can that barely could be counted as existent. Everything that had taken hours of precious time, gone within just a millisecond, and for seemingly no good reason!

“Let me ask you this again. Why are you deleting your stories you utter fool?! Do you know how long those took you? I know exactly how long, because I was watching you! You put your blood, sweat, and tears into those shorts, and you’re just tossing them all away like that? Why?!”

At that moment, the rage split into two dripping halves, exploding into a color of long buried insanity and hurt that had been converted unconsciously into a crazed, roaring wave of anger.

He slapped my hand away and jumped out of his chair, knocking it over in his fury, snarling like a rabid animal. His eyes were gleaming, sharp and utterly, totally, completely mad, ripping from color to color in the darkness of the room.

“I’ll tell you why!” he spat, “It’s because it’s all stupid and naïve and childish and it is trash so it belongs in the trash! Everything I wrote was trash! It’s all trash! All the endings are stupid, all the plots are stupid, and everything’s stupid! Everything! Every…thing…”

And with a snap of my fingers, all the boiling, bubbling, excess rage simmered down into a lukewarm sort of throbbing as I gently reached out to slide my arms around a swaying torso full of hidden ribs, and the statue finally crumbled, falling, almost as if in slow motion, softly onto my right should, sobbing dryly. 

“I hate them. I hate them. I hate them.”

“No you don’t, you just hate that you’re stuck,” I murmured as the tears finally came. 

I carefully led the now shattered person onto the nearest bed, and he gratefully pulled the covers up to his face, almost like time had reverse, and he was a small child again, afraid of unseen monsters in the dark, hiding under warm blankets to keep safe, eyes squeezed shut.

I whispered, cautiously, “Did you keep any of them?”

Sniffling, he replied in a hoarse voice, “Yes. You came before I started deleting the ones I keep online.”

“Good, now go sleep okay?”

He nodded once, and snuggled deeper into the blankets. I watched as his breathing deepened and evened out, before turning around and walking over to the still laptop. Now it was my shadow that blocked the faint light, but this time, my shadow was a looming one that stood tall over it, and my shadow was one that reached out and snapped the computer shut with a finalized click, settling the room into complete darkness. 

Sighing once more, I turned around, felt my way slowly in the night, and flopped down onto the other bed, and my last thought before falling asleep as well was that that had been enough clicking for tonight.

Fifty and One Things That Make Me Happy

So, a bit of a back story to this particular post. 
A while back, maybe about, oh I don't know, a year ago, give or take a month or two, some stuff had happened, and I don't particularly remember what inspired me, but I decided to start a list of stuff that seemed insignificant, and maybe a bit silly or childish, but made me happy, for at least that moment. Then, recently, I stumbled upon that list again, and I decided to start adding to it again.
In the end, I had fifty-one tiny things that can happen any given day, but can still help spark up an otherwise dim day in my life, and here they are!
Fifty and One Things That Make Me Happy:

1.                      Saving all the old hotel cards as a kid and pretending they were credit cards. 
2.                      Winning a jack pot on the spinning wheel of random luck
3.                      Finding money in random places
4.                      Realizing your blanket spells really good
5.                      Actually fitting everything into your bag when you’re packing
6.                      Finding the lost rubber thingies that always fall off of your ear buds
7.                      Winning little coupons on those Monopoly stickers McDonald's gives out.
8.                      Getting scented stickers in grocery stores
9.                      Getting children discounts at restaurants and movies.
10.                  Getting treated like royalty at shops because they see your money.
11.                  Watching old children cartoons on DVDs
12.                  Finding long lost pens that still have ink
13.                  Finally hitting that mosquito that’s been buzzing around your head for ages
14.                  Having a warm shower after a long day
15.                  Being out in a shower but staying dry
16.                  Catching a falling leaf
17.                  Seeing your breath on a cold morning
18.                  Pretending straws were like cigarettes (you know you looked stupid, but you thought you were cool)
19.                  Typing a page of stuff and not having spell check stop you
20.                  Waking up without bed head
21.                  Taste of fresh water after exercising
22.                  Expecting strawberries to be really sour, but they turn out to be super sweet
23.                  Free samples in front of ice cream stores
24.                  Getting two items when you paid for one at the vending machine
25.                  Finding a new layer of instrumentals to your favorite song
26.                  Having the moonlight shine in through your window onto your bed
27.                  Having a fresh breeze blow in through your open window on a sunny morning
28.                  Seeing a rainbow
29.                  Seeing a double rainbow
30.                  Finding the almost end of the rainbow
31.                  Signing a really cool signature by accident
32.                  That feeling of immense power when you have the one seat in class where you can see whose using their phones
33.                  Not getting caught eating in class
34.                  Getting a really awesome thing for a really cheap price
35.                  Getting your catchphrase on a t-shirt
36.                  Getting a really nice compliment from a fortune cookie
37.                  Smiling at a stranger and they smile back
38.                  Getting thanked for helping a random person out
39.                  Getting a postcard or a letter in the mail
40.                  Having a bright pink and purple sunset that you can see right out your window
41.                  Having a clean breeze blow in through your window while you’re struggling through homework
42.                  Guessing a random answer on a test and getting it right
43.                  Using a really nice smelling soap at a fancy restaurant
44.                  Finding a really awesome song that really expresses exactly how you feel
45.                  Finishing a mile (and feeling that adrenaline still rushing through your body)
46.                  Going to bed after a long day
47.                  The kind of weather that’s warm and sunny, but not sweltering hot
48.                  Talking to someone who you haven’t heard from in ages, and immediately hitting it off like you’ve never been apart
49.                  Hitting that one note perfectly while singing a song
50.                  Running your fingers through cool, silky, recently air-dried hair
51.                  Waking up and facing the world feeling confident about being you today.