Artist's Soul

To be an artist, one must feel, to the point you feel to much.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Built on Beliefs

The world is built upon opinions. No kidding. I mean, why is color called color? Why is black a dark color? What counts as an A or a B? Everything is made up from opinions. It may be a widespread opinion, but it's still what it is. For instance, they say it's a fact that a circle is round. But truly, isn't that an opinion as well? Maybe, to someone else it is not round, maybe they consider it so be triangular. Facts are opinions. They're just widespread, common opinions. Which brings me to my point that the world is based on opinion. And, truly, it is ridiculous. People accuse others of being strange, or different, when really, isn't that also their opinion? So, what I'm saying, to save you all from my endless rant, is that, consider it really, even though I'm kind of being a hypocrite about opinions here, but try to stay neutral. What you consider neutral to be, I won't judge, but either way, watch and see just how much opinions circulate our planet.
To sign off this paradoxical, hypocritical, opinionated rant,

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