Artist's Soul

To be an artist, one must feel, to the point you feel to much.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Reality's Turn

Hey, what's up! This is LaMusicFreak again, here for a short ramble of sorts.

Just a quick side-note before all this, THIS IS JUST MY OPINION! Please, please, please do not take it personally if you do not agree with my views! I do not wish to criticize or hurt anybody due to contradicting opinions!

So I was working on MIXED earlier, and my good friend, who was helping me by reviewing it, started talking to me about it, and she mentioned how she can really relate to two of the characters. Then we started talking more about this topic, and she told me how the five girls in the story seem a lot like many of our friends. We began grouping the various characteristics of the characters to the various characteristics of some of our friends, who we found could really be connected to the characters.

This got me thinking about the various books that had inspired me to write this story, and why that type of story intrigued me so much.

After some contemplation, I decided that it was because those stories were easy to relate to, to a degree.

For instance, most of the most popular books today such as The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson Series, and Divergent, are all based in fantasy realms, where the main character(s) all had amazing strengths, powers, and were all out heroes. Now, I'm definitely not saying those books aren't great! In fact, some of my favorite books are from The Hunger Games series and the Percy Jackson series.

It's just that, after reading all those stories for a while, I got tired of living in those amazing, magical worlds with those "perfectly imperfect" heroes. I'm sure that many, if not most of us have a wish to be some kind of hero or heroine. I know that, for quite a while as a child, I would constantly dream of being a hero in Percy Jackson's world, as a great demigod fighter. But those things just don't happen in this world (SORRY TO ALL THE BELIEVERS!). I just knew I would wake up one morning, facing the truth. I knew that I wouldn't suddenly get super powers, and suddenly find monsters to defeat, and gods and goddesses to impress. This is the real world, and in the real world, those things just don't happen.

Sure, there are heroes (Shout out to all the Firefighters, Police, Soldiers, Doctors, and Teachers!) but they don't have magical powers like those fictional characters. Plus, I eventually got a bit fed up with those perfect characters that always ended up doing the right thing and saving the world.

Then, I found books that were set in this world, reality. Sure, sometimes those stories got a bit ridiculous too, but they were still relatively relatable. Suddenly, I could find characters which went through the same troubles as me, and had to solve it the same way as me. I could find people who didn't exactly get a happy ending, but still made do with what they got. They were, to a point, real to me.

Of course, like I said at the start, this is just my opinion, and I'm just one person in billions. So I want to know, what's your views on this topic?

This has been LaMusicFreak, signing off!


Just updated MIXED!!!!!!

Please check it out!

Thanks! =)

Friday, May 9, 2014


Hey! Just a quick news report. I just noticed that when I update my posts, they don't appear on the top page, so just in case you guys don't know, I'll be posting these news reports for all my updates.

I just updated MIXED, so please go check it out. Thanks!!! I should be about finished with the character descriptions and introductions, but who knows, I might add some more later. It all depends.
That's the link to the page.

I'm thinking of changing the title, but I'm still trying to think up one, so yeah, just a little side note.

Anyways, LaMusicFreak out!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Past, Present, Future

Hey! So, this is this really short story that I wrote past midnight last night, but fell asleep before I could post. The italics are people's lines as they talk in the real world, and the rest is just thoughts of a young, teenage girl who's moved to a new high school for the first time.
There are three types of people in this world. Those who live for the "now", or the present, those who live for the past, or the "good ol'days", and those who live for the future, or "what can happen". I guess I fall into the second category. Or, I unwillingly became part of that second category.

"Nicole, hurry up or you'll be late! You don't want to be late on the first day of school do you?"
"Coming mom."

Yeah, I definitely grip onto my past. I hold it so tight that my knuckles are clenched snow white, and not even the strongest creature alive could wrench it out of my tight, tight grip.

But I like the past. I know the past. I'm comfortable with the past. I mean, it's not like I had a really tragic back-story or anything, so why shouldn't I like my past better than the present? I'm a cautious person, so I don't like walking on unknown grounds. I like to know exactly where I can put my feet down securely. And only my past can give me that sense of security.

Plus, my past is happier than the present. In the present, I'm the new kid, a loner, "guy-less" as that one girl who sits next to me in 6th period calls it, and pretty much the average "my life sucks" teenager. But in my past, I was the complete opposite. And that girl who sat next to me in 6th would be one of my besties. It would be all glowing and joyful compared to my dim reality as of now.

"Nicole, I mean it! Hurry up! You have 10 minutes!"

"I know mom, I'm watching the clock."

On the other hand, the future is just plain scary. It's a dark, swirling abyss, shrouded in damp, grey fog and ribbons of ghostly mist that dances up to wrap around your hand, tugging you gently towards that pit. If you jump, you might crash straight into a salty, ice cold ocean and drown, or you might land in a lush green, soft meadow of flowers and new grass. But no one really knows what it's like, since all you can see is that fog, and the mist, and the occasional dark indigo and black spirals or hard rock, jagged, pointed, and lethal looking. The future is unknown, and the future scares me out of my wits. It's the exact opposite of the past, so I'll try to stay away from it.

"Nicole, get down here right this instant young lady! You're late!"

"I'm on the staircase now mom."

But now, I was at a fork in the road. I could keep hanging onto my past like a cliff ledge, or I could let go, and willingly fall into the abyss that is future. If I continued to hang on, I would live my life tired, weak, and going nowhere. If I let go, I could move forward to brighter scenery, and rebuild the remains of my shattered self. But then, I could also land in that unforgiving ocean, and drown in society, or  smash into one of those jagged rock columns on the way of my fall. Both choices were frightening and sad to think about.

"Bye sweetheart! Have a nice day!"

"Bye mom..."

Should I finally let go?

"Hey, you new here or something? I'm Sandra."

"...I'm Nicole..."

"Cool! Want to meet my group of friends?"

".........sure, why not."

And so, I fell.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Why Write?

Lately I've been getting some negative feedback about spending so much time writing (for example, parents). And yeah, maybe I do get a little too into it, but hey, it's what I like to do. But, it got me thinking, why do I like to write fictional stories so much? Every time, I really get extremely submerged into whatever world I just created. But why do that? Why do I go into a haze every time I decide to start a new story?

There are many answers, but I would have to say, the main reason for me is, I like to escape reality. To me, creating another world for a story is like dreaming. I can create another realm in my head, where I can be someone else, just for a few moments.

Every time I start a new story, I spend a few days, up to weeks just thinking of what it would be like in that other universe, the story-verse. In some ways, it helps me write. I get to really see in that character's perspective, and describe the world even better. But it also has some drawbacks. For instance, being half in, half out of reality during work, or, in other words, being majorly distracted. Yet, I still go back. Why? Because it's so tempting. Because when I'm in that story-verse, all the problems and worries I have in the real world can just fade away to the background, and I can live, just for those precious moments, as someone who I really want to be, or live in a world I would want to live in, and just escape. So, in a way, writing is similar to a stress-relief for me. It may not work so well when I have to focus, but you can't satisfy everyone.

My question is, why do you do the things you do? Is it for a life goal, or stress relief, like me, or just for fun? Or is it for reasons like peer pressure? Is it for a positive reason or a negative reason?

Side note, if it's for a negative reason, please try to stop, for your own good.

Anyways, that's all for now. Just a quick ramble of sorts. LaMusicFreak out!