Artist's Soul

To be an artist, one must feel, to the point you feel to much.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

A Child's Dream

My name is Alec. I'm seven and a half years old, and my teacher told me to write about my dream. 
We were supposed to write about what we want to do in life, but I don't know much about them, so Teacher said I could write about someone else. So I'm going to tell you about my big sister.

My sister's older than me a lot. She's in high school, and she's really smart too. I know she must work very very hard because sometimes when I wake up after my bed time to go to the bathroom, I see her working in her room. I hear mommy and daddy scolding her on the phone sometimes though. I don't know why. They use big words that I don't know yet, and when I ask Sister, she just smiles at me and pats my head. Then she tells me it's okay, and if I've eaten yet. 

I heard mommy complaining to my aunt  once when daddy and mommy were actually home. She had said things about Sister having a C and a D. I didn't know what it meant, but I didn't want to go ask mommy, because she gets mad when I ask too many questions. I wanted to go ask my sister, but she had gotten sick, and she told me to stay away, or I would get sick too, and then no one would be happy in the house.

My sister also works at a shop that sells coffee. Her boss says it's called a C-A-F-E. A cafe. Her boss is really nice, and she lets me sit at my own table every day while Sister is busy making people bitter drinks and sweet yummy drinks and yummy cookies. The other people who work with my sister are really nice too, and they help me on my homework. Then when it's time to go, the boss gives me a cookie, and I walk home with Sister.

Mommy and daddy aren't at home a lot. Sister says they are out working so we can have lots and lots of good food to eat. But I think that Sister is the one who gives me lots and lots of good food to eat because she always cooks, even when mommy and daddy are home, and it always tastes very good. She also cleans the house so it's all shiny and sparkly when mommy and daddy get home. I try to help by keeping my room clean, but I think I'm not very good at cleaning because I saw Sister sneak in to pick up some of my toys once. 

My big sister is like a super hero! She works really really hard, and she's always making sure I'm happy before she rests. It makes me sad that she has to work so hard all the time, so my dream is that one day I'll become strong and really cool and hard working like my big sister, and I will be able to help her work!

The End!

Alec Carravino


"Hey kiddo, what are you working on?"

Alec looked up from where he had been intently writing on a sheet of paper at the kitchen table to see his sister smiling down at him.

He grinned happily and waved the paper in the air like a flag, shouting gleefully, "Look, look! I finished my homework! I wrote about you!"

"Well good for you! May I read it?" she laughed in reply.

The young boy nodded fervently.

Chuckling tiredly, she took the paper and began to read. By the time she had finished, her eyes were brimmed with tears, and she dropped down to her knees to pull her sibling into a warm embrace.

Confused, Alec tentatively asked, "Aria, are you okay?"

"Yeah kiddo, I'm alright. I'm perfectly fine. Thank you." 

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